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Communication, Relationships

14 Things to Remember if You Love A Spontaneous Spirit

Written by Janice Wald
Teacher, Author, Blogger, Freelance Writer

Exhilarating, isn’t it?

The energy of a spontaneous person can be wondrous. You wonder why they don’t collapse from fatigue. At the same time, you want to collapse from exhaustion just watching them. They can be dynamos.

Then, why are you so frustrated? Could it be their lack of organizational discipline? Could it be their ability to turn the most somber of places into a playground?

Your loved one is definitely a paradox. Be confused no longer.

Here are 14 things to remember about why the charms of a spontaneous spirit outweigh his or her idiosyncrasies.

1. They are optimists.

They don’t take criticism to heart. They look at disappointments as learning experiences and plan on improving going forward.

2. They make their own fun

This does not entail prior planning. They know life may have other plans. Scottish poet Robert Burns once wrote, The best laid [plans] of mice and men often go awry. Spontaneous people know this better than anyone. For this reason, the ability to be flexible, to “roll with the punches,” is one of their many strengths.

3. They have a need for spontaneity.

They feed that need like a fix. The definition of spontaneity is the quality coming from natural feelings without constraint. The sooner you stop trying to constrain them, the easier you will make them feel understood and get along with them.

4. They are observant.

As a result, they are able to find fun in unusual situations. Their curiosity is an asset to them.

5. They enjoy spur-of-the-moment activities.

They don’t need expensive concert or theater tickets purchased ahead of time to have fun. They make their own fun. Besides, what if something else came up in the interim?

6. They are flexible.

They know how to roll with the punches. Rigid people could take a lesson from them. According to writer Henry Miller, “All growth is a spontaneous unpremeditated act.”

7. They are not boring.

According to football coach Lou Holtz, “If you are bored with life, if you don’t get up with a burning desire to do things, then you don’t have enough goals.” Spontaneous people have a zeal that propels them. Articles are even written about how to be spontaneous and less boring. These qualities are viewed as polar opposites.

8. They don’t over analyze.

For this reason, they don’t get on people’s nerves for being too serious.

9. They are leaders.

People look to them for guidance. On a rainy day, on a scorching day, on any day with nothing to do, it is the person with spontaneity that group members look to. They know which friend will be able to show them ideas for a good time.

10. They are popular.

People want to be in their company. They might have an entourage full of groupies. Who wouldn’t want to be in the company of a flexible person who has good ideas when they want to have fun?

11. They have high self-esteem.

They like themselves despite the naysayers and critics. They know they are not boring and rigid and can’t understand why anyone would find those qualities appealing.

12. They are creative.

They can find an opportunity for fun even in the most mundane. Could an empty box serve as a pretend stage and an empty paper-towel roll a pretend microphone? Absolutely. Oscar Wilde said, “Spontaneity is a meticulously prepared art.” Your spontaneous loved one is an artist, according to Wilde.

13. They are tomorrow’s stand-up comics.

If you need proof, just look in improvisation classes. You will find them there. Legendary comic genius Robin Williams became famous turning the mundane into the extraordinary. Comedian Steve Martin made a name for himself as a “wild and crazy guy”.

14. They are romantic.

Who wouldn’t want to be swept off their feet by someone who made them a last-minute late-night supper or surprised them for lunch or with flowers?

Are you ready to accept your loved one?

Spontaneous people face disapproval they don’t understand. They have a reputation for not thinking things through and wanting a good time above meeting their responsibilities. As soon as people realize they’re spontaneous, this is how they get pegged.

It is important to realize that your loved one is not going through a phase; spontaneity is an attitude, a personality characteristic as much a part of them as their eye color.

Spontaneous spirits need understanding and acceptance, not criticism.

Spontaneous people are flexible. Can you be flexible? Are you ready to learn from their example and be open to the idea of accepting them for the endearing people they are?

Related post: 20 Things to Remember if You Love a Highly Creative Person


Featured photo credit: Ryan McGuire via