We would all like to live in a kinder, greener, less stress-filled world, right? A world where our kids can thrive and be happy. But the world in general is bogged down by real struggles against poverty, disease, crime, violence, environmental degradation, ignorance and so on, which constitutes much pain.
Anyone can complain, point fingers and shift blame for the problems that plague our world today, but it takes a difference maker to initiate a positive change in the world. It takes a better man or woman to acknowledge the issues in our world and take small steps toward making a positive difference.
Small actions done with care and a pure heart every day have tremendous value and can influence the world around you, as well as the world at large. While the contents of this list might not be new, they bear repeating. Sometimes it takes a few reminders for things to sink in.
Here are 39 little things you can do every day to make it a better world.
Say hello to people you meet on the streets. 80% of the people you meet are generally good, decent people
Laugh and give others the benefit of a doubt. You might be wrong, but so what? Laughter is contagious
Give free hugs. Apart from reducing stress and tension, it’s a gift that is immediately reciprocated and will make people feel great, even long after
Smile at the cashier, waiter, barista, parking ramp attendant etc., and ask them how they are doing. Everyone wants to feel love, connection and affection
Really listen to what people have to say (intently) without interrupting or waiting impatiently for your turn to speak
Find some aspect to appreciate in the people you meet and pass along compliments
Offer directions to people who seem lost
Support someone who’s striving for a goal with your money, advice, presence or other form of support
Babysit for free
Provide a foster home for an animal in need
Feed domestic animals and birds (if you have any) and give them enough water to drink
Water your plants, lawn and or garden early in the morning before any moisture is lost to evaporation
Leave treats out for pets, wildlife and other furry friends to enjoy, such as nuts for the squirrels, a salt lick for the deer or simply fill up the bird feeder
Be patient, kind and respectful to people who are older than you
Respect people’s property and don’t take it without permission, trespass or damage maliciously. Instead protect and keep it safe
Hold doors for people carrying heavy things, pushing strollers or just immediately behind you
Offer to return grocery carts for those who are leaving when you are going toward the store entrance
Refer your friends, family, relatives and or acquaintances to qualified service providers
Help a neighbor with a task, such as taking trash to the curb, raking extra leaves or running an errand
Share a special meal with those you care about
Create necessity packs and give them to those unsure of where their next meal or shelter is going to come from
Drive responsibly, making sure to obey stop lights, traffic rules and keep a safe distance between you and the car ahead
Give preference to pedestrians, motorists or other road users at intersections. The person behind you might not approve, but kindness starts with you
Offer your seat to someone who needs it
Read to the kids, the elderly and or the shut-ins
Donate what you don’t need in your house to shelters, the Salvation Army, or other institutions serving those in need
Let someone off the hook for a mistake or misdeed and see how it makes both of you feel
Save your recyclable trash till you find someplace to recycle them
Turn off your computer instead of leaving it in sleep mode. You can save 40 watt-hours per day
Turn off the lights and faucet when not in use
Turn on the oven only when you put the dish in to save energy. Don’t pre-heat the oven unless you are making bread or pastries of some sort
Use one less napkin a day. More than a billion pounds of napkins could be saved from landfills each year
Use both sides of paper, and set your printer’s default option to print double-sided (duplex printing). You’ll be saving many trees
Recycle your daily newspaper. Recycling just the Sunday papers would save more than half a million trees every week
Ban bath time! Take showers instead. Baths require almost twice as much water and inflate energy costs for heating the water
Brush without running the water. You’ll conserve up to five gallons per day if you stop running
Shower with your partner. Not only will you have made a wise choice for the environment, but you may notice some other pleasant… benefits
Take a shorter shower. Every two minutes you save on your shower can conserve more than ten gallons of water
Make art—paint, sculpt, sketch, write, compose music, create dance moves—whatever it is. Do it and finish it. It will add color to the world
Remember every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play to make this world a better place.
Featured photo credit: World In Your Hands via stokpic.com
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