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Communication, Motivation

Everybody Lies: 7 Wrong Things They’ve Told You About Life

Written by Alex Strike

There is no reason to deny the fact we all depend on society somehow and that our surroundings influence our thoughts and world views in general. As children, we believe everything our parents tell us. As pupils, we listen to our teachers. As students, we listen to our professors carefully, and we trust their knowledge and life experience. Certainly, they do not want to hurt us, and they do not want to lie. But the truth is that they do sometimes lie to us.

What do we have as a result? Disappointment. When young people suddenly find out that nothing they were told actually works, they feel lost, and they do not know what to do. It is high time to reveal seven common lies each of us heard about life. Do not they sound familiar to you?

You are good at everything you do

You must confess that it is always easier to tell a child he is great at something than to hurt him and say he is not. We do not want to offend anyone, and we think that it is bad to disappoint a young person and tell him the ugly truth when he is only 5 years old. Everyone believes that this kid will understand everything himself while growing up, and he will see for himself what is good and what is bad about him.

So, we lie instead of supporting REAL talents and achievements. As a result, the child gets older and does not understand why his new friends at school do not agree with the fact he is a good artist, singer, mathematician, etc.

You should do everything perfectly!

Did your parents or teachers at school tell that you should do everything as perfectly as possible? Do it well, or do not do it at all! And you grow up with a strong belief you should be perfect; otherwise, you will not achieve anything. But there is no success without a failure! And there is nothing wrong with the fact you can’t find a job of your dream right after your graduation, or that your first piece of art did not get positive feedback from critics.

Marry before you are 30

Who says? Why do we all believe we should build a family before a definite moment? Will your life end if you do not have a husband or wife when you are 31 or 35? We all understand that everyone has his time for a marriage, but we feel guilty anyway, seeing all of our married friends around and listening to parents who can’t stop asking us “when.”

It is difficult for some people to ignore a societal pressure. But remember: you do not owe anything to others around you, and you have your own time to build a family. And who knows, maybe a marriage is just not for you? Yes, it happens. And there is nothing wrong with that!

Only the right college will help you succeed

Do you still believe that? There are many examples of bright and successful people who did not graduate from universities at all! Do not be narrow-minded! Give yourself more credit in life: go to a college YOU (not your parents or teachers) like, try yourself in different spheres and environments. You can find your path anywhere, not only in a prestigious college, though education and being a college student are important part of course.

You will not get a good job without education

As we’ve already said, education is important. And certainly, the majority of employers will pay attention to your diploma. But the truth is that they do not need students who did nothing but show up for class for four years.

The most valuable things are often learned outside of your classroom. That is why your degree means nothing without any other skills and experience you could get.

The first job means everything for your future career

Students are often told that their first job will define their careers, so they sit and wait for the perfect moment or hope to find the right job right away. Do not ignore any experience you can get, even if it does not fit your diploma! Even if you work as a waiter when you have a degree in IT, this job can bring you new knowledge and experience that can unexpectedly help you with searching for the job of your dreams.

You will earn much more than your parents

I do not know why, but many young people believe they will become rich and successful once they leave parents’ home and start working. At the same time, they have no idea what their parents actually do, and how they earn money for living. Such an impression is that money will just appear from nowhere.

It is nonsense to suppose that you will get everything at once, while your parents needed 20 years to achieve that. To get something means to work hard on it, spend much time and energy on it, and even fail sometimes.

Just build your own path, and try to follow your own thoughts and views. There is no need to continue believing postulates that do not work for everyone today.