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Communication, Motivation

Stories of 4 Motivational Speakers to Inspire You for the Rest of Your Life

Written by Norah Abraham

Motivational speakers are often used by businesses to motivate their employees, or to help them sell their business to others. The use of a guest motivational speaker at a meeting or conference is very common. There are some professional motivational speakers that make a lot of money giving a speech. It may amaze people what the best speakers say in their speeches.

The key to a good motivational speech is to have a great story that gives the audience inspiration to do more. Many of these stories are based on events in the speaker’s life. When they tell a great story, the audience will be moved to act in some way that will benefit themselves and others. Not all of the motivational speakers that are hired for meetings have a good story to tell. They often have to embellish their tale or create a tale that they think will reach the audience. There are some speakers that have very compelling stories. When people hear the story of these individuals, they are hit with a variety of emotions. These emotions cause the people to act and can inspire many people to do more in their own life.

Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins is a well-known life coach and motivational speaker. Millions of people have heard him speak live, on DVDs and on television. His basic message to people is that they can control their destiny through their decisions. He has been spreading his message to many others so they can do better for themselves.

The basis of his message is to provide people with two master life lessons. The first is the science of achievement and the second is the art of fulfillment. These lessons are the basis for the motivational speeches that he gives.

Boris Becker

Many people know Boris Becker as a tennis star from the 1980s. His duels on court with legends such as John McEnroe and Andre Agassi are timeless. Unlike many athletes that go into retirement with a whimper, Boris Becker has managed to use the story of his life to challenge others to be the best that they can be. His story as a champion that was considered lucky to win helps him inspire others to challenge their doubters. He has also used his success after tennis to show how people can continue to grow.

Jack Canfield

Not everyone will recognize his name, but they will usually recognize the books that Jack Canfield has written. As the author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, Jack Canfield has managed to touch tens of millions of people with his advice on how to approach life.

His style as a speaker is straightforward. He pushes his audience on the importance of goal setting and achieving the goals. After listening to this speaker, many people will take the time to act on what they have heard from him.

Les Brown

Les Brown has worn many different hats during his life. He has been a politician, a DJ, a TV host and a writer. It is his work as a motivational speaker that often gives him the most fulfillment. He provides his audience with a message of personal responsibility. He believes that when you take responsibility for what you do, you will have the drive to accomplish the things that you dream about.

He delivers his message to the audience in a very earnest manner. He is well-known for helping people lead more successful lives.

A motivational story

There are some lesser known speakers that use stories that have been known to inspire. One of the stories that can move an audience involves a young boy and a waitress. The young boy entered the diner and asked how much an ice cream sundae was. The waitress told him 50 cents. He asked how much a dish of plain ice cream was. She said it was 35 cents. He ordered the plain ice cream. He left and paid his bill. The waitress found that he had left a 15 cent tip. She realized that he did not order the sundae because he knew he did not have enough money to leave a tip. The moral of the story is to always leave some of you to help others.

The stories that motivational speakers use may be part truth and part fiction. They are designed to help the audience realize the potential that they have within themselves. If they can see what another person has done to improve themselves, the audience will be inspired to try to do that too. It is a formula that has worked for a long time.

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Featured photo credit: President George W. Bush talks with former Columbine High School student Craig Scott/Kimberlee Hewitt via