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Communication, Relationships

Whoever Is Trying To Bring You Down, Is Already Below You

Written by Jelly

Whoever is trying to bring you down, is already below you.

Have you ever heard that statement and then had someone pick you apart like a vulture picking the last bits of meat off a corpse? Sorry for the disgusting visual but that is what it feels like sometimes. You cannot defend or fight back can you? This wonderful person is taking time out of their insanely busy day to try and help lil’ ‘ol you. “Help” like this is actually very stupid and destructive and if you put up with it, it can destroy your life. If you are a person who does this, it will also destroy any chance for happiness and make those around you miserable.  How can you tell the difference between dumb, destructive complaining and wise complaining? Watch for these words and phrases:

15 Common Complaints of Dumb Complainers