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You Should Thank Your Friends If They Have Done These 15 Things

Written by Amy Johnson
Amy is a writer who blogs about relationships and lifestyle advice.

Your best friends are some of the most important people in your life. You have laughed together, cried together, and you have probably had some of the best times of your lives with each other. No matter what happens, your best friends are always there for you. You probably often thank them for all of the little things, but what about the most important things?

Here are 15 things you may have forgotten to thank your best friends for.

1. They Are Always Available – Even At Four In The Morning

Your best friends are always there for you, no matter what the time is. From watching hours of re-runs, to turning up at your house with a bottle of vodka at midnight, your best friends are willing to do whatever it takes to make sure you’re okay.

2. They Always Share Everything

Their alcohol, food, Netflix, clothes – your best friends are always happy to share everything they own with you. After all, everything is better when you share it with someone you love.

3. They Always Listen – Even When You Don’t

Sometimes all you want to do is vent about the problems in your life. But before you know it, you’ve been talking/shouting for over half an hour, without letting your best friends say a word – and when they finally do, you immediately cut them off to continue with your rant.
But they always see where you’re coming from, so they wait patiently and listen.

4. They Never Say ‘I Told You So’

Your friendship is more important than who is right. And let’s face it – you’ve been wrong a few times, but your best friend cares more about your friendship than gloating.

5. They Are There When You’re Ill

If you feel really sick, you can always count on your best friends to be there. Whether you have a horrible virus or simply the hangover from hell, you trust your best friends to look after you without complaining.

6. They Let You Borrow Anything

Your best friend is willing to lend you almost anything, from their clothes to their Game of Thrones box set. And even if you lose it, or grow so attached to it that you ‘forget’ to return it, they never make you feel guilty for doing so.

7. They Make The Best Plans

If your best friends plan your birthday, you’re probably going to have the most entertaining 24 hours of your life. This also applies to holidays, and any nights out you go on – they know everything you love, and exactly how to make sure you are having the most fun you could possibly have.

8. They Let You Treat Their Home Like It’s Yours

You have spent so much time at your best friend’s house you no longer feel the need to act like a guest. You take food from the fridge, leave your stuff everywhere, and charge your phone at the wall. Thankfully your best friend doesn’t mind, because they do the same thing at your house.

9. They Always See The Best In You

Your best friends are always talking about your best traits, from your straightforward attitude to your hairstyle. If you ever question yourself after a bad day, you know a quick conversation with your bestie will leave your confidence sky-high.

10. They Are Present Without Being Pushy

A healthy friendship will never leave you feeling like you should sacrifice other parts of your life. They are always there for you if you need them, but they are also happy for you to speak to your partner or another friend if that is what you’d prefer to do.

11. They Always Tell You The Truth

For casual friends, it is often easier to tell a white lie rather than the truth. However, you can always rely on your best friends to be honest with you. Even if the truth hurts, having someone you can rely on to be totally honest with you is a great feeling.

12.They Know When Something Is Wrong

Even if you haven’t said anything, your best friend can sense that there is something wrong. They love you and pay close attention to you, and can help cheer you up when you don’t even want to talk about what’s wrong.

13. They Always Push You Forward

From telling you to apply for your dream job, to being an unsure participant in your professional projects, your best friends are always subtly pushing you forward – often without you realizing.

14. They Let You Come Back After You’ve Left Them

Occasionally, friendships can be neglected due to other things in your life; your career, a new relationship, or just a lack of free time. However, your best friend understand that no matter what is going on in your life, eventually you will realize how much you miss them.

15. They Are Loyal

Even if your best friend lives in a different country and you haven’t seen them for a year, you know they will always remain loyal and supportive of you and your choices. The strength of your bond is one of the reasons why you’re so happy to have them in your life.
Can you think of any other things you should thank your best friends for? Comment your suggestions below!

Featured photo credit: Paul Proshin via