Exercising can be a literal pain in the butt. It’s particularly difficult to get motivated in the morning when you’re reluctant to leave you warm, cozy bed. The good news is that you don’t have to! Here are 10 exercises to do in bed to start your day right.
1. The Half Bridge
To perform this exercise, lie on your back and place your feet on the bed with your knees bent and your legs hip width apart. Lift your tailbone and push up until your upper body makes a straight line from shoulder, to hip, to knee. Try and hold this move for 30 seconds, or as long as you can, keeping your tailbone lifted and your glutes engaged. Lower and then repeat for three reps. Make sure you continue to breathe and engage your abs throughout.
2. Leg Lifts: Part One
For this move, lay flat on your back with your arms at your sides. Make sure your legs are straight and then lift the right one until both it and your hip form a 90-degree angle. Slowly lower the leg down to the bed. Repeat with alternate leg. Do two sets of 10 reps per leg and be sure to exhale as you lift.
3. Leg Lifts: Part Two
Flip onto your stomach and lift your legs as above. This will work your buttocks, but it can be hard on your spine, so don’t do this if you have any kind of back injury.
4. Planking
Get into push-up position on your mattress, balancing on your forearms instead of your hands. It’s done this way in order to be safe to do on a softer surface. With your weight on your forearms and toes, align your elbows under your shoulders. Lift your body to make a straight line from your head to your heels. Hold this position for 20 seconds and then rest for 30 seconds. Try doing three reps. For an added challenge, gently step one foot at a time out to the side and back in, alternating each time.
5. Push Ups
We’ve all heard of this exercise, and that’s because it’s highly beneficial for adding strength to your core, arms and mid-section. Start by placing your knees or toes and your hands on the bed, with your arms fully extended and while keeping your back straight. Next, lower your chest to the bed, then return to starting position. Perform as many reps as possible.
6. Tic Taps
This exercise should directly follow your push ups. From the push up, simply take your right hand and tap in front of your left elbow. After you make contact with your elbow, quickly retract the hand to the original position and perform with the opposite hand. Continue tapping back and forth with each for as long as you can.
7. Table Tops
To perform this exercise, sit on the bed with your legs extended in front of you and your arms resting at your sides. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the bed. Your hands and feet should be flat on the bed pointing in opposite directions from each other. In a smooth action, press firmly into your hands and feet. Straighten your elbows, and lift your hips up toward the ceiling in order to form a straight line with your torso and thighs, making your body appear like a table. Hold the position and squeeze your glutes. Retract, and repeat.
8. Bench Presses
You don’t need a bar to do this, simply use some hand weights. If you don’t have any, even soup cans will do the job! If I have to explain that the cans should be sealed then we have much bigger problems than fitness to worry about.
9. Sit Ups and Crunches
So long as you don’t have a water bed, you can do sits ups and crunches easily on your own mattress. For an added challenge, add a bicycle move to your sit ups. To do this, lift as you would do for a normal crunch, then twist your body gently to one side. Whilst doing this, extend the opposite leg to the direction your turning. Repeat this movement whilst alternating between sides.
10. Stretches
Most importantly of all, be sure to do your stretches when you cool down in order to prevent injury.
Featured photo credit: Bed Exercises via media1.onsugar.com
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