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10 Kitchen Hacks to Superboost Your Productivity

Ivan is the CEO and founder of a digital marketing company. He has years of experiences in team management, entrepreneurship and productivity.

If you like cooking and you spend a lot of time in the kitchen, you should know some tips and tricks that will save you some time and boost your productivity. Here are some useful kitchen hacks that will help you with this!

1. Slice cherry tomatoes in a few seconds

Slicing cherry tomatoes

    Cherry tomatoes are small and slippery, so handling and slicing them can be such an annoying thing to do. If you have a whole bunch of cherry tomatoes to slice, just put them between two plates and slide the knife through the crack between the plates. This way, you will slice all of them in two and avoid finger cuts. Pretty amazing, isn’t it?

    2. Make hard-boiled eggs without water

    Boiling eggs in oven

      How is this even possible? Well, put your eggs in a muffin tray and place them in your oven, set it to 300 degrees Fahrenheit and bake for half an hour. The results you will get are some hard-boiled eggs with less effort and less mess in your kitchen. Be sure that you don’t forget them in the oven for too long, though. Set your timer to half an hour and get all the other kitchen work done in the meanwhile.

      3. The easiest way to cut soft food

      Cutting with dental floss

        Cutting cheese, cakes and butter can be a pain in the neck. Don’t you just hate it when you manage to bake a perfect cake and you ruin it while trying to cut a slice? Forget about this and use unflavored dental floss for cutting all the soft food in your kitchen. This method is precise and easy to perform. Cut the right lengths, hold the ends tightly between your thumb and index finger (like you are preparing to floss your teeth) and push downwards.

        4. You ran out of cupcake liners?

        Improvised cupcake liner

          Every kitchen should have a roll of parchment paper. Use it to make custom-made cupcake or muffin liners if you run out of real cupcake liners. You will need a muffin tray, parchment paper and a glass that fits into the holes of the tray. Cut the parchment paper into squares and fix them into the holes by pressing with the glass. Make sure that you cover the muffin tray with oil to avoid sticking.

          5. Easy dish washing

          Vegetable oil in a cup

            If you are using some sticky ingredients to cook a meal, you will have a lot of trouble with cleaning those dishes you used during the preparation. Dough, honey, syrups, chocolate, cake batter, etc., can stick to the walls of your bowl easily, but it won’t be that easy to clean it. Avoid this by greasing the dishes with a little bit of vegetable oil. Cooking spray will also work, but if you ran out of it and don’t have time to run out for some more, a sip of oil will be a perfect substitution.

            6. Keep your greens fresh for days

            Storing greens with paper towel

              When you wash your greens, you better use them as soon as possible because they tend to go bad in less than two days. In order to prolong their lifespan, you can put a paper cloth or some damp paper into a bag or container where your greens are stored. It will absorb all the excess water that is the main culprit for greens going bad so fast. This is quite a way to save some money and avoid tossing food away.

              7. Semi-freeze meat before slicing and chopping

              Sliced frozen meat

                Slicing and chopping any kind of meat can be hard sometimes. But, don’t worry, this tip will blow your minds. Put the meat into the freezer for half an hour before preparation. Slicing semi-frozen meat isn’t going to cause you trouble and a sharp knife will just slide through it. Don’t keep it in the freezer for more than half an hour or it will take more time to melt afterwards.

                8. Peel garlic quickly

                Smashing garlic

                  Peeling garlic isn’t the most desirable job ever because it takes too much time and your hands will absorb its smell that can’t be washed off that easily. This isn’t going to be a problem anymore once you read this: you can peel it quickly and easily, you’ll just need a plate, a plastic food container with a lid, and a knife. Cut the top and bottom part of the bulb, press it a bit with your plate while making circle motions, put it in a container and shake well. When you open the container, you will get peeled garlic cloves. Another tip is to use a garlic press to mince garlic without worrying about peeling. This is definitely one of the best cooking tools you can have in the kitchen, and it will help you prepare your meal without making a mess.

                  9. Make the most out of citrus fruits

                  Microwaving lemmons

                    There is nothing healthier than a glass of freshly squeezed citrus juice. If you want to use all the juice from your citrus fruits, you can use the method of microwaving it for 30 seconds. This will soften the fruit just enough to prepare it for squeezing.

                    10. Avoid stains when deseeding pomegranate

                    Deseeding pomegranate in water

                      Pomegranate is delicious and healthy, but when you think of all those stains on your clothes and hands, you might want to give up. There is no need for this, as this trick will help you deseed pomegranates quickly and make less of a mess. Cut the top and bottom off the pomegranate, and then make several vertical slices along the ridges and put it in a big bowl of water. Wash your hands and put them into the bowl. Well, I hope you didn’t think that the water would peel the pomegranate on its own? Start peeling and all the juice will remain in the water, not on your hands.

                      I hope you’ll find these kitchen tips and tricks useful and that they will help you boost your productivity in the kitchen and reduce the time you spend there.