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Food and Drink, Lifestyle

15 Simple And Healthy Salad Recipes You Should Try Today

Written by Stephanie Hall

Need a simple, healthy and fun way to add veggies into your diet? Have you been avoiding making salads because it’s just too complicated or boring? Well look no further here are 15 simple and healthy salad recipes you should try today.

1. Strawberry Spinach Salad With Warm Bacon Dressing

Simple Healthy Salad Recipes

    Strawberries and bacon. Who knew? Substitute coconut oil for bacon fat and honey for sugar to make a healthier version of this tasty salad.
    Recipe source.

    2. Roasted Cauliflower and Mushroom Quinoa Salad in Balsamic Vinaigrette

    Roasted Cauliflower Mushroom Quinoa Salada

      A flavourful and warm salad hearty enough for a main dish. Call it a casserole and you could serve to even the most salad-loathing guests and they’d never know.
      Recipe source.

      3. Kale Salad With Meyer Lemon Dressing

      Kale Salad with Meyer Lemon Dressing

        This simple and healthy salad recipe packs a lot of unique flavours in one bite. Pomegranates, goat cheese, avocado, lemon and pecans. Yum!
        Recipe source.

        4. Mushroom, Lemon And Lentil Salad

        Mushroom Lentil Salad

          Next on our list of warms salad recipes features mushrooms again. With the added lentils, this salad has a hearty protein punch.
          Recipe source.

          5. Berry, Lemon, Chicken And Feta Salad

          Berry and Chicken Salad with Lemon Dressing

            One of my favorite salad recipes is this sweet and savory chicken salad with berries, lemon and feta. The perfect salad for a light spring meal.
            Recipe source.

            6. Cilantro-Lime Cucumber Salad

            Cilantro Lime Cucumber Salad

              This salad recipe gives a whole new meaning to cool as a cucumber. Crushed peppers give it a hot kick too.
              Recipe source.

              7. Broccoli, Apple And Almond Salad

              Broccoli Apple and Almond Salad

                Another hearty bowl on this list of salad recipes. I find broccoli really adds a density to salad and in this one it’s the feature. Though, if you’re not a fan of olives, you can simply omit them and it will still taste delicious.
                Recipe source.


                8. Berry Chicken Salad With Poppy-seed Dressing

                Berry Chicken Salad with Poppyseed Dressing

                  Can you tell I’m a fan of salad recipes with fruit? Berries just add another dimension to a salad that can’t be given with any type of vegetable. Try it, you won’t regret it.
                  Recipe source.

                  9. Strawberry Asparagus Salad

                  Strawberry Asparagus Salad

                    It’s not often you see asparagus in a salad recipe, but here’s one that has strawberries too. So easy. So tasty!
                    Recipe source.

                    10. Vietnamese Chicken, Avocado And Lemongrass Spring Roll Salad

                    Vietnamese Chicken Avocado Salad

                      It sounds complicated, but is actually quite simple and totally healthy. If you want a little challenge in the kitchen try making the Hoisin Crackers for a little crunch.
                      Recipe source.

                      11. Kale Salad with Pear, Hazelnuts and Cranberries

                      Kale Pear Hazelnut Salad

                        Whether you’re a kale lover or newbie, this recipe is sure to please. Toasty nuts and sweet pear add a delicious texture and depth.
                        Recipe source.

                        12. Honey Walnut Power Salad

                        Honey Walnut Power Salad

                          If you’re new to power bowls, here’s a simple and healthy salad recipe to get you started. It’s full of nutrients, antioxidants and deliciousness.
                          Recipe source.

                          13. Green Goddess Potato Salad

                          Green Goddess Potato Salad

                            This salad recipe is a healthy and green take on the classic potato salad. Spruce up your spuds with a tasty pesto-like dressing.
                            Recipe source.

                            14. Shrimp And Avocado Salad With Miso Dressing

                            Shrimp and Avocado Salad

                              Here’s a simple and healthy salad recipe that will wow your guests. Bring the thai heat right to your kitchen.
                              Recipe source.

                              15. Peas, Potatoes, Acidulated Shallots + Creamy Dill Dressing

                              Peas Potatoes and Shallots Salad

                                Here’s another simple and healthy recipe that only sounds fancy. Don’t be fooled by the big words, just put it in your mouth.
                                Recipe source.

                                Want some inspiration for a healthy snack? Check out these 10 Highly Healthy And Delicious Vegan Snacks Recipes.

                                Featured photo credit: Vivian and Me via