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Health, Lifestyle

40 Simple Things You Can Do Every Day To Become Much Healthier

Written by Osha Key

Sometimes simple changes can improve your life drastically. Here are 40 ideas.

  1. Drink one quart of water with freshly squeezed lemon juice (half lemon) upon waking.
  2. Sweat it out either in the gym, working out outside, sauna or hot yoga.
  3. Do high intensity interval training (HIIT) for 10-20 minutes.
  4. Drink green vegetable juice (e.g. made with cucumber, kale, celery, carrot, lime and ginger).
  5. Have green smoothie for breakfast (e.g. made with ripe bananas, spinach, apple, ginger and ice water).
  6. Take 1-2 teaspoons of spirulina, chlorella or moringa powder to boost your mineral intake. They’re a great addition to a green smoothie.
  7. Skip your coffee and have herbal or green tea instead. Caffeine in coffee robs you of energy and increases stress response in your body and damages overall health.
  8. Eat whole food plant-based diet. Skip anything artificial and packed with preservatives and other chemicals.
  9. Rope jump, rebound or do jumping jacks to pump up your lymphatic system.
  10. Meditate for at least 5 minutes.
  11. Hug someone. It releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones.
  12. Unplug all your devices for at least one hour.
  13. Spend time in nature, e.g. go for a walk in a park or by a river.
  14. Drink at least 2-3 litres of purified water to stay hydrated, as all the functions in the body depend on water.
  15. Avoid high sugar – high fat combination foods, such as traditional cookies, ice-cream, milk chocolate, cheesecake, etc. It causes blood sugar imbalances which leads to diabetes and damages overall health.
  16. Connect with Mother Earth by practicing ‘grounding’, i.e. walking barefoot on grass, sand or dirt.
  17. Eat a side green salad with your lunch and dinner.
  18. Eat your lunch outside in fresh air and natural light, rather than at your desk near the computer.
  19. Snack on fibre-rich and antioxidant-packed fruit and/or berries.
  20. Do oil pulling to improve your oral health and make your teeth whiter. Simply take one tablespoon of virgin coconut oil and swish it in your mouth for 15-20 minutes.
  21. Practice yoga or some stretching for at least 10 minutes.
  22. Watch your posture, especially when you sit.
  23. Take 1-2 grams of activated charcoal to help your body get rid of toxins.
  24. Get a massage.
  25. Use only natural chemical-free body care products to avoid toxins entering your body through your skin.
  26. Think of 5 things to be grateful about in your life.
  27. Smile to strangers. It will give a positive boost to your mood.
  28. Make someone laugh and laugh with them.
  29. Read a book that inspires you.
  30. Dedicate at least 30 minutes to learning a skill that will make a difference in your career or personal life.
  31. Clean up your working space, it will help you stay more focused.
  32. Create a to-do list of things that you’ve been procrastinating and start working on the one you have the most resistance to. It will help you move forward and feel accomplished.
  33. Come to work one hour earlier and do most of your important tasks before everyone else gets in to the office and the phone starts ringing. This way you’ll get more done and will be less stressed throughout the day.
  34. Listen to classical music. Studies show it boosts cognitive function.
  35. Dance to your favourite song.
  36. Do an “internal audit” to check whether you still hold any resentment or grudge against anyone. If you do, decide to forgive.
  37. Practice intermittent fasting for at least 14 hours, meaning that if you plan to eat breakfast at 8am, you should finish your dinner at 6pm at the latest. Studies show it helps balance blood sugar levels, prevent degenerative disease and burn fat.
  38. Have a power nap, no longer than 30 minutes.
  39. Wake up early, e.g. 5 or 6am. It will give you more energy and will make you more productive throughout the day.
  40. Sleep for at least 7-8 hours a night.