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5 Reasons We Should Celebrate The Holidays Year Round

Written by Naomi Teeter
Health Coach

The holiday season is right around the corner and it’s no secret– I LOVE it! In fact, if I ever have a daughter, I will name her Christmas. It’s OK– laugh it up. I am a little biased over here, I know.

Whenever I start to feel down during the rest of the year, I immediately go to my magical happy place…Christmas.

So, grab yourself a mug of hot chocolate and let’s consider some reasons why the holidays should be celebrated year round

1. Holiday music is so happy and cheerful (mostly).


    People tend to love the music until it’s over-played. As long as it does not become too repetitive, we don’t get bored or annoyed by it. Christmas music often creates a feeling of nostalgia and lifts the spirits of many people. I keep Christmas music CDs in my Jeep at all times…just in case.

    2. People tend to be more charitable during this time of the year.


      Maybe it’s from subliminal messages or you know it’s going to be a tax write-off. Whatever the case may actually be, we tend to give more to others during this time of the year because it makes us feel good. We give presents to people that we know. We give money to the Salvation Army bell ringers. We donate toys to needy families. So, why couldn’t we do this on a weekly basis during the rest of the calendar year?

      3. We branch out from our every day eating and indulge in a few seasonal treats.


        Some of us love turkey, but only make it once a year. We reserve feasts for holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas only. Then we stuff ourselves until we feel sick. For many, this is a tradition. If we did this every day, it would no longer be a tradition and it would just be boring. But couldn’t we take the time to cook indulgent foods more than just a couple of times a year? I personally have pumpkin flavored treats year-round. For some of us, if we allow ourselves to have these foods during the rest of the year, we are less likely to go nuts during Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.

        4. We eat with our families and friends more often.


          We bust our best china out of hiding and use it to signify the importance of the occasion. Communal meals provide the feeling of belonging and security. Family meals give us the opportunity to connect. We get the chance to share happy memories and funny stories of times gone by. Many of us spend the majority of the year not sitting down with our family to have meals.  We get caught up in eating at our desks at work, we eat in our cars driving to and from work, and we eat in front of the television. It’s a shame because having meals with our families strengthens the bond and links generations closer together.

          5. We remember the things we are thankful for.


            It’s easy to overlook all of the great things we have going on in our lives when we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the day to day. We are more in tune to our blessings during the holidays because there are movies, music, and events to help remind us that we have a lot to be grateful for. Practicing gratitude all year long is helpful for alleviating depression, lack of purpose, and loneliness.

            So, as you can see— The holidays are great! Unless you have one of these 12 Christmas phobias that is. I sometimes wonder if I have North-Polar Disorder (NPD) myself.


              Featured photo credit: Dolores Freeman via