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Health, Lifestyle

7 Foods That You Never Knew Are Natural Pain-killers

Written by Katherine Eion

Foods as natural pain killers have been used by humans for thousand of years. Natural remedies are indeed preferable to even over-the-counter medications to prevent unwanted side effects. Some people may be surprised to learn that natural food remedies can be as potent as man-made remedies. In most cases, these foods have anti-inflammatory properties, which is key to pain relief in the human body. Fruits and vegetables that assist in pain relief also contain antioxidants, which significantly reduce free radicals that cause inflammation.

1. Cinnamon


    This spice can be added to coffee before brewing. It can even be made into a tea (blend 1 teaspoon of cinnamon with 2 teaspoons of honey and mix them in warm or hot water). A paste of the same two ingredients with a little water may also provide local arthritic pain relief. The paste may cause skin irritation, so spread a dab of the paste on the back of the wrist for ten minutes to test it. Preliminary research has concluded that cinnamon significantly reduces inflammation, which a cause of pain.

    2. Turmeric

    Indian Turmeric Abstract

      Some scientific studies point to the use of turmeric in the relief of joint pain. The spice has anti-inflammatory properties that are noted as being the root of pain relief remedies. Add pepper to a dish with turmeric to speed absorption in the bloodstream. A study released in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2009 reported turmeric as an effective pain reliever for osteoarthritis pain.

      3. Salmon


        Salmon has been shown to be an effective pain reliever, as well. Research indicates that the fatty acid, omega-3, combined with vitamin D, both of which are found in salmon, are conducive to arthritic pain relief. A 3-ounce serving has been found to have almost half the recommended daily dose of a 1,000 IU (International Units) of vitamin D. Salmon is also low in mercury, making it one of the safer fishes to be enjoyed regularly.

        4. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil


          Research indicates that extra-virgin olive oil is also effective in pain relief and management. Recent research indicates that the oil contains anti-inflammatory properties, as well as properties which are very similar to ibuprofen. Maximum benefit is said to be found in taking up to three tablespoons daily. Studies also revealed that chemicals that trigger pain mechanisms in the brain are blocked with the regular use of extra-virgin olive oil.

          5. Cherries


            Cherries contain anti-inflammatory agents, as well. This fruit is also said to relieve pain caused by gout. Research indicates the combination of several different natural compounds found in cherries lead to pain relief, rather than just a single antioxidant. The best benefits are said to be reaped from tart or sour cherries. The dark, red pigment in sour cherries has been found to be very high in antioxidant properties, according to the latest research.

            6. Cloves


              Oil of cloves significantly reduces toothache pain when it is applied locally. Soak a gauze with 2 drops of clove oil with ¼ teaspoon of olive oil and place on area of pain in the mouth. Studies show that relief happens in seconds. Germs and bacteria associated with the infection are immediately killed. Some credit the use of clove oil to heal cavities as well.

              7. Ginger


                Ginger is another helpful herb that has been reliably used for centuries in Asia. Scientific research reveals that the anti-inflammatory agents in ginger reduce inflammation and relieve arthritic pain. Ginger also prevents the production of pain-generating hormones. Add 1 teaspoon of dried ginger or 2 tablespoons fresh ginger to dishes to maximize the full pain-relieving benefit.