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Fitness, Lifestyle

8 Simple Ways to Stop Complicating Fat Loss

Written by Julian Hayes II
Author, Health & Fitness Coach for Entrepreneurs, & Speaker

Losing weight doesn’t have to be a stressful and painful experience.


To lose weight, all you need to do is burn more calories than you consume. For such a simple concept, there seems to be a lot of information out there that confuses everyone.

When I was starting my fitness journey, I suffered from paralysis by analysis. I tried to read everything I could get my hands on. Looking back on those days, I realized that fat loss doesn’t need to be a complicated method to work.

Here are 8 ways I learned to stop complicating fat loss.

1. Realize there isn’t a one size fits all nutrition plan.

Everyone’s body is different. What works for one person might not work for you. Some people prefer to eat breakfast while others prefer intermittent fasting where they opt to skip breakfast.

Both methods are just as effective, the key to successful fat loss is finding a nutritional plan that will fit seamlessly into your lifestyle without making major life altering adjustments.

2. Become lovers with water.

Water is the easiest way to start losing weight.

Drinking water helps improve your metabolism, along with improving joint health by maintaining proper lubrication and muscle elasticity.

Another huge benefit of water is that it acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Staying properly hydrated allows you to fight food cravings and avoid foods that will slow your progress.

Besides starting your morning off with 16oz of water, here are some other ways to increase your water intake.

3. It’s okay not to count calories.

Counting calories can be stressful.

It’s difficult and an inconvenience while eating out at restaurants. Adding another stress on top of your busy life isn’t necessary.

A simpler method is to go by portion sizes:

  • 1 portion of protein= the size of your palm
  • 1 portion of healthy fats= the size of your entire thumb
  • 1 portion of carbs= the size of your cupped hand
  • 1 portion of veggies= the size of your fist

4. Eliminate most of the grocery store.

Shopping for groceries is easier if you can avoid the interior of the grocery store and stick to the outside.

The outside isles will have your veggies, fruits, eggs and meats while the interior isles will contain all the processed foods and junk that you should avoid.

5. Commit to a workout routine.

While nutrition is the most important aspect of fat loss, strength training is the other important piece of the puzzle.

Commit to a minimum of three full body workouts and you’ll be on your way to a leaner, healthier, stronger and hotter version of yourself.

6. Sleep is your new best friend.

Sleep is a pivotal piece of successful fat loss.

Without adequate sleep, the likelihood of weight gain increases as well as the increase in cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone, which slows fat loss down when its levels are elevated.

Aim for a minimum of 7 hours of sleep per night.

7. Keep your eating crazy simple

When it comes time to eat, think of dividing your plate into three sections.

One section is protein, which will be included with every meal along with the second section for vegetables. The last section is where you can add carbs or healthy fats depending on your goal.

8. It’s okay not to be 100% adherent with your diet

There’s no reason to stress yourself out trying to eat perfect every single day.

Enjoying life and achieving successful fat loss can go hand in hand. Fitness doesn’t have to take over your life in order to achieve your goal.

Do you have an important family dinner, are your friends in town, or is there an upcoming office party?

Enjoy yourself by indulging in those two pieces of cake guilt free. Two pieces of cake will not ruin your goals if you normally stay consistent with your eating habits.

In the grand scheme of things, if you eat four times a day, that’s 28 total meals a week. If you indulge on 3-4 of those meals, you’re still eating at 85% adherence, which is excellent.

What are some ways that you make weight loss simple and stress free? Comment below, I’ll love to hear your responses