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Fitness, Lifestyle

9 Reasons Why People Are Not Able To Always Keep Fit

Florence is a happy wife and passionate writer who blogs about health, love and life.

The world around us is constantly changing. Our personalities and even our looks change throughout our lives. And so do our diet and bodies. Staying healthy is a hard thing to do. Maybe we set a goal and after reaching it, we just move on. Or we just don’t have the energy to keep up with a healthy diet.

The primary goal of keeping fit, however, is to keep healthy, making it even more important to get and stay fit. No matter what your problem may be though,, here are 9 tips to help you stay fit!

1. They do it alone

Exercising alone may be less awkward, but it is a lot harder to stay motivated. You will have to push yourself to work out and eat healthy. When you have a friend with you, they can help you stay on track when it gets harder. A recent study showed that working out with a partner can motivate you to keep going longer. And it is a lot more fun too!

2. They don’t stay hydrated

Water is beneficial in so many ways. It keeps your skin clear, it helps speed up your metabolism, helps you stay focused and much more. It is recommended that an average adult drink roughly two liters of water per day. Not only is it refreshing, but it will help your body to stay fit!

3. They eat too much junk

It is commonly known that fast food is very unhealthy. It contains a lot of carbohydrates and sodium. So logically, if you eat it too much, it will be noticeable on your body (in weight gain) and in your daily health. In the long term, a bad diet can cause heart disease and obesity, among other life altering ailments.

4. They don’t eat balanced meals

To keep your body nurtured, it is important to make sure that you eat the right amount of nutrients. The easiest way to make sure you eat balanced is by using the Healthy Eating Plate. You can also do well to keep track of your meals and see if you reach your daily macronutrients.

5. They don’t build up their exercising

Some people think that they can work toward a goal and then just give up or stay at the same pace. Your body doesn’t work that way. You have to keep up the work that you started to put in. It is a ongoing process to keep your body in shape.

Also, if you do the same workout every time, your body will get used to it. You have to keep building it up, challenging yourself, and sometimes mix it up with other, different exercises.

6. They cut out a portion of the workout

A good workout exists out of five crucial parts: cardio, strength training, core exercises, balance training and stretching. After reaching a goal, some people decide to only continue with the part they like.

This will have the opposite effect of what they want. It will not keep you fit, but your body will start missing the parts it also needs. So make sure your whole workout is balanced in order to keep your body fit!

7. They don’t use the healthy body care products

Yes, you read that right. The products you use on your body can actually have bad toxins in them. Imagine eating healthy, but still not feeling healthy, just because of the products you are using. Do some online research and find a healthier alternative.

Your skin takes in the products you put on in, and it will hold on to unknown components. Your body saves these until it knows what to do, or until it has the opportunity to somehow get rid of it.

8. They are not consistent

Consistency is a big word and it comes with big responsibility. If you are on and off about your workout or your diet, you cannot expect your body to stay in shape. You need to have a regular schedule. See for yourself what time you prefer to work out, and reward yourself or keep score for yourself.

Research fun ways to keep yourself on your workout schedule. Plan meals a week or a few days ahead, so you know you won’t go hungry or binge on unhealthy products.

9. They don’t rest

Overloading your body with exercise is also an issue. Working hard for something you want is a great thing. But doing it too much is not so great. Your muscles need rest, so they can build up both strength and muscle tissue.

When you do strength training, you break down your muscles. The amount of protein that you take in over the next 24-48 hours is the amount of muscle your body can build up. Taking regular rests is essential for a fit and healthy life.

Featured photo credit: skeeze via