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DIY Household Products That Save Money Without Chemicals

Written by Adams Briscoe

If you are the type of person who prefers to have your household merchandise without the flame retardant or other weird chemical, then you will appreciate this collection of do-it-yourself products. The other good news is that this helps you save money, so perhaps that is even a more compelling reason for you to give these a try! Some of these are not about going chemical-free as much as they are just finding handy hacks for your kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom.

Body Wash

DIY Household Products That Save Money Without Chemicals

    Want to know how to create a much cheaper, cleaner version of your favorite body wash? This site has the full scoop. The price differential definitely makes this worth it on cost alone. The ingredients are shown below.

    DIY Household Products That Save Money Without Chemicals


      DIY Household Products That Save Money Without Chemicals

        Looking for a better solution to the mouth rinse you get at your local grocery? Grab these ingredients: 1/2 c. aloe vera juice, 1/4 c. water, 1 tsp witch hazel, 1 tsp baking soda, and 10 drops peppermint essential oil. This site breaks it down for you, but the tricks is to combine the ingredients without letting the reaction overflow.

        Laundry Detergent

        DIY Household Products That Save Money Without Chemicals

          Don’t drop twenty bucks on laundry soap next time you run out of clean clothes. Try making your own and saving that cash for more important investments. It calls for Borax, Fels-Naptha soap, baking soda, Oxy Clean, and softener crystals.


          DIY Household Products That Save Money Without Chemicals

            Hopefully this glue isn’t for sniffing. Get your hands on some flour, sugar, water, and white vinegar, then follow these methods (you have a few to choose from).


            DIY Household Products That Save Money Without Chemicals

              Got roommates? Find yourself spraying lots of fabric freshener all over the place? Go cheap: liquid fabric softener, baking soda, and warm tap water will get the job done.

              Hand Soap

              DIY Household Products That Save Money Without Chemicals

                The magic is in the foam-dispensing pump, not the soap. So next time you run out, put 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap in the empty canister and fill the rest with water. Enjoy not spending five bucks at the store!


                DIY Household Products That Save Money Without Chemicals

                  If you want a natural alternative to arsenic (one of the active ingredients in insecticides), then try this recipe. It calls for 1 head of garlic, 1 tablespoon red pepper flakes, 1 cup water, 1/2 teaspoon liquid dish soap, and 2 cups water. Pretty simple!


                  Wrinkle Remover

                  DIY Household Products That Save Money Without Chemicals

                    This might be one of those products you are glad you know how to make next time you need it. The ingredients call for 1/4 cup of vinegar, 1/4 cup of water, and 3 tablespoons of liquid fabric softener. Just combine in a spray bottle and you’re done.

                    Bug Spray

                    DIY Household Products That Save Money Without Chemicals

                      Nothing is worse than trying to enjoy the great outdoors and constantly having to fight off the mosquitos. Next time, try bringing along your own brand of homemade bug spray. It’s cheaper and will not have DEET. Get your hands on some essential oils of your choosing, natural witch hazel, distilled or boiled water, and vegetable glycerin. Who knows, you may even fend off Dengue Fever!

                      Shaving Cream

                      DIY Household Products That Save Money Without Chemicals

                        There’s no doubt that the market has been cornered on shaving cream. Save yourself the money next time and opt for the DIY kind. It calls for 1/3 cup shea butter, 1/3 cup virgin coconut oil, 1/4 cup jojoba or sweet almond oil, 10 drops rosemary essential oil, and 3-5 drops peppermint essential oil.

                        Get even more DIY Recipes here! [31 Household Products You’ll Never Have To Buy Again | Buzzfeed]

                        Featured photo credit: Horia Varlan via