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Geek vs. Hipster: Which One Are You?

Written by Michael Cheng

    Can you tell the difference between a geek and a hipster? Contrary to popular belief, both lifestyles are the not the same.

    Most people are quick to classify the new lifestyles as unpopular, but both are slowly becoming the standard for the new generation. This could be due to the rise in technology for geeks, and the need for personalization for hipsters.

    Either way, one has to be able to tell the difference or risk offending friends, coworkers, dates and other strangers. According to the infographic above, geeks dress very differently and take a more conservative approach to clothing compared to hipsters. While hipsters turn traditional clothes into trendy, customized items.

    Another great way to tell is through their taste in music and movies. Though not completely reliable, such preferences can serve as hints in telling the two lifestyles apart.

    What are some ways you distinguish geeks from hipsters? Let us know what you think.

    Geeks vs. Hipsters (Funny Infographics) | Design Infographics