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Keep Your Phone Upright Without Using A Stand

Written by Michael Cheng

Are you always dropping your phone in the car?

Phone stands are bulky and require additional space. For desks filled with paper or small cars, this can be a problem. What if you could stick your phone on the wall without using double sided tape?

You can do that using the Grippy Pad.

The new technology allows individuals to stick small tools on a vertical, sticky pad. Once you get the concept of the pad, you can try sticking your calculator, thin wallet or virtually anything with a wide surface.


    For active students, you can use the Grippy Pad for your locker or mirror for extra space.

    With this interesting gadget, you have to think vertical.

    Parents can also use the pad to keep things away from children. Simply place it on the wall and prevent your kids from playing with electronics when you’re not around.

    Grippy Pad | Firebox