As I grow older, I can’t help but notice how much truth there is in folklores. We tend to brush them off as ‘stuff old people say’. Let’s face it, if they’re still alive, they must know a thing or two about life. One folklore that was imprinted on my subconscious and emerged to the forefront later on is KISS. No not the 70s face painted rock band. My alcoholic, 11th grade chemistry teacher would say it everyday. Kiss stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. If you’re an average Joe like me, especially at the that age, you might misinterpret the proverb. Without having an opportunity to apply it I wasn’t able to grasp the true importance of the concept. After being battered by the waves of life, its definition became clear.
Preparation Is The Key
In today’s information overloaded world, making decisions can be a convoluted process. This often results in stress, anxiety and indecisiveness. We all know that life is a chess game but the victor must always be steps ahead of the competition while staying present. How is that even possible? A simple answer – preparation! Chance favors the prepared mind. Is your head spinning from folklores yet?
So how exactly do we prepare for this superfluous information chess game of life which supposedly is also a marathon?
Life is a marathon as it is a chess game because all three require strategy. The sooner one stops being reactionary and starts thinking things through, the sooner the chess match evolves. At this point a PACE plan can provide a key technique to enduring aches and pains of the cross country run.
Apply The KISS Technique
This particular KISS technique can be used in both personal and professional areas of your life. PACE stands for Primary, Alternate, Contingency, and Emergency. Pretty self explanatory right?
One can literally apply this system for almost every decision one makes. If you decide to visit a friend 30 miles away, you can take four possible routes: the most direct or efficient; an alternate route in case there’s an accident or traffic; contingency thorugh back roads if there happens to be an influx of drivers on the road and the first two options aren’t effective; and an emergency route that you hope you’ll never have to take because of the lengthy duration but guarantees a safe passage to the destination.
Having a PACE plan reduces stress of overcoming adversity or unforeseen events. You already have a plan in place and only need to execute with some minor changes if necessary. Having simple systems in place is one of the key differences between successful people and well the other guys. They are rarely caught off guard and are seldom reactionary. This is why successful people rise to victory when faced with adverse circumstances. They are prepared so chance falls in their favor.
Similarly this is why a lot of small businesses stay small and others grow into big corporations. Instead of having to address mundane issues on a regular basis, leaders can focus on developing business and taking calculated risks by emplacing clear and simple systems.
If you’ve ever worked in corporate America, then you know that there is a form or procedure for almost everything related to the business. That’s their insurance policy to keep the Is dotted and Ts crossed.
Having a PACE plan is a proven life saver. This is why it is one of the first techniques Green Berets learn during their qualification course. To be successful in corporate America one has to have a warrior’s mentality. It’s no coincidence as to why high ranking leaders of our Armed Forces take on senior roles in the corporate world. The two entities share uncanny resemblances in their structures. Corporate America made a carbon copy of the bureaucratic structure of the military with some changes and ‘civilian’ flair.
It’s not everyone’s goal to be corporate but implementing some of their strategies can definitely make you more present in the chess match. Knowing that, on every play, there are multiple options on the board that put you at an advantage regardless of what piece your opponent moves. It allows you to be steps ahead while remaining present and alert for any surprises.
Keep It Simple
For someone who has, on numerous occasions, almost lit me on fire with a bunsen burner, I would never have thought my chemistry teacher on her second mug of whiskey spiked coffee would enlighten me with such a gift. If she didn’t remind me to keep it simple then applying the PACE plan wouldn’t have had such an impact on my life. It opened my eyes to the realization that I needed to simplify more areas of my personal and professional life. Keeping it simple stupid by running the marathon on PACE can do the same for you.