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35 of the Best Thunderbird Addons

Written by Craig Childs
Craig is an editor and web developer who writes about happiness and motivation at Lifehack
35 of the Best Thunderbird Addons

Getting better and better with each release, Mozilla’s email client, Thunderbird, is as customizable as it’s browser counterpart. have a nice list of their best 10 ‘must-have’ Thunderbird Addons, appended with 25 more that you ‘might-want’.

Coming in at #10 is the Thunderbird equivalent of this email function we tried to solve previously.

(10) Send Later – integrates extra ‘Send Later At’ (’Ctrl+Shift+Return’) feature to the message compose window, allowing you to send messages on a particular future date and time. It can be a contract cancellation notice, a ‘Happy Birthday’ or a friendly ‘Don’t Forget’ note.

10 must-have Thunderbird Addons (+ 25 more) – [MakeUseOf]