Do you want to keep a budget, but aren’t sure where to start? Or maybe you have your money in a few different places and want an easy way to keep an eye on it all? We scoured the web and app stores to find the best money management apps so you can dive in, start saving money, and live more financially secure!
1. Mint
Mint is a great app for seeing where all of your money is on all of your devices. It can track your bank accounts, credit cards, and even investments. You can also use it to plan budgets and future expenses, but its main focus is on giving you a financial overview.
Download Mint here.
2. You Need a Budget
You Need a Budget (YNAB) is a great tool for setting a budget and sticking to it. YNAB is nicely designed and gives you a clear report of where your money is going, as well as tools and “four rules” for budgeting to help you save.
Download You Need a Budget here
3. Spendee
Spendee is a budget and expense tracker with a heavy focus on design. Spendee is truly beautiful and does a good job of showing you where all of your money is going and how you can adjust course. The only down side is that you’ll need to manually enter your transactions.
4. Expensify
Expensify is perfect for the business traveler who wants to easily create expense reports of where he or she is spending money. You can do things such as take pictures of receipts, track your time, log any distances traveled, and print it out whenever you want to for expense reporting.
5. Budgt: Daily Finance
Budgt is another good app for helping you watch your budget, and it’s geared towards college students and other people on more strict monthly incomes. If you’re a student trying to make sure you stick within a certain allowance, this is a great app for you.
6. Dollarbird
Dollarbird is a personal finance app that focuses around creating a calendar of your expenses to give you a high-level view of your expenditures, as well as predict big expenses that will come up in the future. It’s great for making sure you have a macro-level view of your financial situation.
7. Pocket Expense
The Pocket Expense App is an alternative to Mint. It gives you an overview of all of your accounts and expenses, and helps you keep everything in check without too many bells and whistles.
8. Toshl Finance
Toshl is a fun, personal financial management app that has many of the features of the other apps on this list, and adds in fun animated characters to make it more interesting. It’s also one of the few to also have an app for windows phones!
9. Budget Boss
Budget boss is interesting because it learns your spending habits, and in addition to helping you make a budget, it can predict your spending over time in order to let you know where you’ll likely be at financially in the future. It’s great for helping you adjust course from spending too much of your money.
Download Budget Boss here.
Bottom Line
Those are our top 9 picks for great budgeting tools, but ultimately the most important thing is that you have some sort of money-management system. Keeping track of our money is important for ensuring that we’re on track for all of our financial goals.
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