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7 Things Successful People Do to Keep Calm

Written by Matt OKeefe
Matt is a marketer and writer who shares about lifestyle and productivity tips on Lifehack.

Stress is a big part of too many people’s lives, and sufferers will benefit from taking a look at what’s causing their stress and what they can do to prevent it. Surprisingly, there’s a lot of research and a lot of common sense that isn’t being taken advantage of to help people stay calm. Here are seven particularly effective ways successful people keep calm.

1. They’re Appreciative.

The most successful people keep calm by valuing what they have, not constantly pining for something better, and by recognizing what they’re grateful for. According to Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage, only one quarter of job success is because of your IQ. The other three-fourths is because of “how your brain believes your behavior matters, connects to other people, and manages stress.”

2. They’re Optimistic.

Happy thoughts are likely the ones least riddled with stress, which is why successful people keep calm by focusing on them. In a LinkedIn post, TalentSmart president Travis Bradberry shared that 90% of the top performers in his study were very adept at managing emotions. Do what they do and think of something positive when you’re distracted or anxious, and dwell on it for a bit. That something positive could be an event you’re looking forward to, or a happy memory, or something similar. You’ll find that a little bit of daydreaming can do you a world of good.

3. They’re Patient.

Haste makes waste. Don’t waste your time being impatient when you can accomplish so much more if you just let things progress naturally. Learn to not be in such a hurry all the time. If you’re really feeling stressed out, just slow your day down a little bit. Schedule extra time for your tasks and keep yourself amused when you’re not working. You might not want to jump on the time-waster that is Facebook, but a quick diversion could be just what you need.

4. They Work Hard.

When the brain is busy solving problems, it doesn’t have the resources to make you feel unsettled. Successful people keep calm by doing one of the things they do best: working hard. Focus on a task that demands your full attention if you’re trying to keep calm. If you don’t have an engaging task to do, find a way to make it engaging. Then immerse yourself in your work to such an extent that not only do you remain calm, the workday is also over before you know it.

5. They’re Not Working 24/7.

Successful people keep calm by leaving work where it should stay: at work. They disconnect for the day after they leave the office. That includes not bringing assignments home with you and even turning off the phone for a while. If you’re checking your email every five minutes, you never really went off the clock. You’re just extending your workday without any extra compensation for it.

6. They Come Prepared.

Preparation is the key to success, and it’s also the key to a less stressful life. Successful people keep calm by being fully prepared for whatever they can possibly be prepared for. If you have a presentation to give, you’ll have a lot more luck avoiding stress if you finish and practice it in advance. A big reason people aren’t calm is because they aren’t ready for what they have to do that day, so always be ready.

7. They Feel Content.

Being at true peace, both with yourself and the world around you, is one of the most effective ways successful people keep calm. Contentment is by no means easy to achieve. It requires understanding yourself, understanding what’s within your power and recognizing what’s out of your control. There is no one right way to become content; just look at the thousands upon thousands of self-help books that try to show you how to get there. Keep trying things and something will eventually work. If you can teach yourself to be content, life and especially work will become a lot easier very quickly.

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