My background is in design, illustration and marketing. After flailing around with my pet portrait business, I’m on a mission to help fellow creatives, mostly introverts like myself, who struggle with the ‘icky’ feeling that comes with self-promotion. I've learnt great deal about the technical aspects and strategy involved in DIY promotion. However, as a hardcore introvert and creative who prefers to hide behind the laptop screen, I've realised the mindset required to create a thriving business is far more important than I had previously imagined. Often, we know what we need to DO to promote our work, and we can promote others... but when asked the dreaded 'So... what do you do?' we FREEZE! I'm currently exploring the mindset shifts we can make to get past those niggling voices that say 'No one cares' or 'Who are YOU to do XYZ!?' You can get an idea about the stuff I talk about on The Creative Introvert Podcast, or search for my 2018 book, The Creative Introvert: How to Build a Business You Love on Your Terms.