Lifehack Quotes is a special editorial division that has been dedicated to collecting and curating quotes for over 10 years. Quotes are distilled wisdom in their most powerful form. With a few words, a quote can completely change your mood, perception or motivation about anything. The quotes library at Lifehack is a great repository of brilliant spoken thoughts not only by our greatest role models but also by anonymous patrons. Not all quotes are equal, however. Our team passionately scrutinizes and commissions every quote — analyzing their source, accuracy, usage and depth. From time to time we compile collections of quotes that are hand-picked to embody a certain topic and spirit. Our dedicated graphic artists craft beautiful visual arrangements to present them with charm and integrity. We put our hearts into each collection because we believe that each quote, if absorbed and digested in its best form can potentially change someone’s life. This passion powers all of the quotes at Lifehack.