4 Hacks for Retiring Early

retiring early

It is a brand new year and a lot of people are going back to work with a slightly depressed feeling in their gut. This is completely normal after weeks of vacationing and is not something to worry about. However, many people have thoughts of retirement on their mind. They just can’t wait until they … Read more

15 Simple Things To A Happier You In 2017

In a world where life is going 100 mph, it’s often hard to be present. Most people don’t know what ‘being present’ even means. People are so bombarded with distractions from daily life that their minds are full, their hearts are sad, and their anxiety levels are soaring. People are striving to be happier, but … Read more

7 Mistakes That Damage Childhood

Your children only gets their childhood once. There are no repeats or do-overs. It is amazing how those years of growing up can affect the rest of their lives. As adults we ponder, analyze, and reflect on all that our childhood had to offer us, both good and bad. It’s a parent’s responsibility to protect … Read more

Chasing Happiness Is What Makes You Unhappy, Doing This Can Bring You Lasting Joy

If you’re feeling unmotivated and aimless in life then you’re not alone. Happiness and fulfilment is probably the number one thing everyone is striving to achieve but we often end up chasing after what we believe will make us happy, adopting the mindset that we’ll be happy when we get that new job, relationship, house or car. … Read more

4 Hacks for Effectively Cleaning Your Attic

dirty attic

Another new year has begun and for most people that means new year’s resolutions. Very few people manage to think of their resolutions in February and beyond, so it is important to get as many done as possible in January while it is still fresh on the mind. The easiest ones to get done now are … Read more

5 Emerging Trends in Startup Culture for 2017

Startups, new businesses based on innovation, have been trending for a while. Whether in the technological sphere or another sector, a number of individuals are opting for startups over a regular job. This trend used to be primarily male-dominant, however this is no longer the case. Many women are also opting to join a startup business over a … Read more

5 Tips For Staying Fashionable On A Budget

Keeping up with the ever-changing trends in fashion can be an expensive affair. Every year, it seems, clothing tastes change so much that last season’s clothes feel dated and frumpy. Complicate that with different clothing needs as the seasons change, and staying fashionable can seem like an insurmountable task. Luckily, fashionistas know how to put … Read more

8 Things To Know Before Choosing Electric Shavers

Electric shavers

Electric shavers are convenient, and easier to use than hand razors. They can come with a range of features like multiple shaving heads, chilling heads, sonic vibration, and shaving sensors that determine distinctions in beard density, and modify the strength accordingly. FOr most men, there will come a time when you’ll need to shave. These … Read more

Understanding the Foundations of a Great Team Culture

Cultures are not built, they are created. Reread that quote. A culture, whether it be something as large as your entire organization, or as small as your team, is a complex whole that is created organically through the manifestation and implementation of consistent behaviors, actions, and practices. When a new person joins an already established … Read more

How to Overcome Hard Times in Your Life

Let’s face it. Sometimes, life just stinks. Bad things happen. Unbelievable things happen. People hurt other people, jobs are lost and relationships are broken. People die, financial troubles come and important things are forgotten. Sometimes life just seems like too much to handle. When I first became a single mother a few years back, I … Read more