10 Lessons from a Frustrated Blogger

Blogging is hard. Yes, I wanted to start this article with that fact, and I will keep reminding you of it. Why? Well, because blogging can actually change your life… if you do it well. Most bloggers start their careers enthusiastically, full of ideas and plans. Ah, no wonder that a vast majority of them … Read more

How to Safely Browse the Deep Web

Think you’ve seen the Internet? Chances are, you haven’t even scratched the surface. You see, the entire Internet has two relevant parts: the surface web and the deep web. The surface web encompasses everything you can see or find through search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. These are websites like Facebook, Gmail, and Twitter … Read more

Psychologists Say This Effect Makes People Become Biased And Feel Lonely

Have you ever felt like you were the only one to experience a certain thought, problem or emotion? Feeling this way can be extremely isolating, leading to loneliness and a bias towards negativity. However, just because you feel different to everyone else, it doesn’t mean that you are. Psychologists have concrete psychological evidence on how similar … Read more

This Is How You Can Reprogram Your Mind And Boost Your Confidence

People with confidence seem to breeze through life with an unmistakable ease and grace. Fortunately, it’s not that they’re perfect. It’s just the way they are thinking. Likelihood is, if you’re reading this article you’re already pretty confident in yourself. You’re wanting to improve this area of your life, which means you’re already self-aware enough … Read more

Researchers Say Craving For Ex Is Similar To An Addict’s Craving For Drugs

If you’re craving your ex, you’re not alone. Everyone knows that breakups are hard, especially when you still have feelings for each other. It doesn’t matter who did the breaking up, a connection is often felt for weeks (if not months) after the breakup itself. If you’re feeling hard on yourself for thinking about your ex … Read more

With These 7 Tools, Your Life Would Be Much Easier And Happier

We live in a high-speed world. Everything is automated and automatic. We have access to information on everything imaginable in the palm of our hand — literally. And while the access to information and availability of advanced technology is intended to make our lives easier and more convenient, it often does the opposite. There is a … Read more