5 Hacks for Overcoming a Financial Crisis

No one wants to be in a situation where they owe more money to others than they actually have in their bank account. It can be one of the most stressful scenarios in life. Unfortunately, such scenarios are very common these days. Most people turn to desperate measures to make ends meet. If at any … Read more

5 Businesses You Could Start From Your Garage

garage business

Being an entrepreneur doesn’t mean you have to invent a huge product or do something incredible. Sometimes it is doing a small service out of your own house. If you have a decent size garage, here are a few great options to get started. 1. Bicycle repair Repairing bicycles can actually be a surprisingly lucrative … Read more

5 of the Dirtiest Parts of Your Hotel Room

People have always wondered whether their hotel rooms are as pristine as advertised. Spotting a speck of dust here and there is one thing, but there have been stories of cleaners simply not cleaning the rooms at all. Are these stories true? The shocking truth is yes, and they happen more often than you think. … Read more

Don’t Want To Wear Dentures? Dental Implants Fit and Function like Natural Teeth

Don't Want To Wear Dentures? Dental Implants Fit and Function like Natural Teeth

Through the entirety of our lifetimes, our teeth change. We lose our first set as children, and consider that the end of replacements. However, whether through dietary consequences or other factors, sometimes we need to replace our teeth. Dentures have been the traditional method of filling in the gaps, but they come with their own … Read more

8 Must-Have Apps for Your Teens

If you parent a teen and your teen is a proud owner of an iPhone or iPad, you have probably noticed the amount of time that he or she spends on their device is ridiculous.[1] Of course, all of their friends, all those snaps, all those memes, and all that buzz keep your teens rather … Read more

The Benefits Of Crowdfunding

Having a great idea but not having the ability or opportunity to bring it to fruition can be frustrating. It can be difficult to get funds or find investors who believe in your idea or vision enough to bank on you and invest in it. This is one of the reasons crowdfunding is changing the … Read more

4 Ways to Relive Your Youth After 40

Most people aren’t thrilled about growing old. They think they’re too frail to have any fun. However, a lot of the problems with growing old are purely psychological. If you’re in your late 40s or 50s, it’s not too late to recapture some of your youth. Here are some ways you can feel young again. … Read more

15 DIY things to do to increase home safety

Each year, we make resolutions to improve our health, increase our savings and spend more quality time enjoying family and friends. But what about maintaining and improving our home safety? With a burglary occurring every 20 seconds, home security, safety and maintenance should be a top priority for everyone. Set some time aside over the coming … Read more