Goal Rescue Tool

Diagnose why you're stuck on your goals and get personalized strategies to break free, reignite your motivation, and start making progress again

The Goal-Setting Trap

Have you ever found yourself stuck in pursuit of an important goal, feeling frustrated and unsure how to move forward? You're not alone. Meet Sarah, a marketing manager who set out to advance her career, learn Spanish, and improve her fitness. Despite her clear objectives, she's struggling to make lasting progress. Sarah's experience highlights a common dilemma: the challenge of turning aspirations into achievements.

Why We Get Stuck

Getting stuck on our goals is a universal experience, but the reasons can vary:

  • Losing motivation over time
  • Feeling overwhelmed by the size of the goal
  • Lacking a clear plan or system for progress
  • Encountering unexpected obstacles
  • Struggling with consistency in our efforts

These challenges can leave us feeling discouraged and tempted to give up on our dreams.

Introducing the Goal Rescue Tool: Your Diagnostic Solution

This is where our Goal Rescue Tool comes to the rescue. Designed as a diagnostic aid, it helps you:

  • Identify why you're stuck on your specific goals
  • Understand the balance between your goal-setting and your action-taking
  • Receive personalized insights to revitalize your progress

How It Works: The Goal Rescue Tool goes beyond simple goal-setting advice. Through a series of targeted questions, it analyzes your approach to goal pursuit, considering both your objectives (goals) and your day-to-day actions (systems).

What to Expect: Your Path to Renewed Progress

As you engage with the Goal Rescue Tool, you'll gain:

  1. A Clear Diagnosis: Understand exactly why you're stuck
  2. Personalized Insights: Learn about your goal-pursuit style
  3. Actionable Recommendations: Receive tailored advice to get moving again
  4. A Balanced Approach: Discover how to harmonize your big-picture goals with effective daily habits

The assessment process is straightforward, yet it uncovers nuanced aspects of your development strategy. You'll receive practical suggestions on how to overcome your specific roadblocks and reignite your journey towards success.

From Stuck to Unstoppable: Your Next Steps

Remember, feeling stuck is just a temporary state. The Goal Rescue Tool serves as your starting point for breaking free and making renewed progress. It bridges the gap between your aspirations and the daily actions needed to achieve them.

Are you ready to break through your goal-setting barriers? Take the first step towards rescuing your goals and reigniting your progress. Start the assessment now and discover your personalized path forward.

Select the option that most closely matches your current approach.

Describe the goal that you feel most stuck on.

Select the time period that best describes your progress.

Describe the main challenge that is holding you back.

Select the frequency that best matches your current behavior.

Choose the response that best matches your typical reaction.

Select the option that best describes your tracking method.

Reflect on a recent success and what contributed to it.

Rate your satisfaction on the given scale.

Select the frequency that best describes your reassessment habits.

Think of one small, consistent action that could help you move forward.

Select the option that best describes what works for you.

Rate your ability on the given scale.

Select the emotion that best describes how you currently feel.

Think about what guidance you need most right now.

We'll send your personalized report to this email address.